
Hi, I'm Mike!

I've helped thousands of people connect with meaningful Career opportunities and build lives of purpose as a Higher Ed Exec, while side-hustling as a consultant and creator. Since leaving Higher Education, I've learn way more about the Creator economy and started doing Twitter/Solopreneur coaching (which I never expected) and a Podcast - The Actualized Self. As a Coach, my strengths lie in helping clients uncover their unique strengths, overcome their own mental hurdles/blocks, and systematize practices. I love helping clients transition from 9-5 to the Creator Economy; and have been doing more work in that space.

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The Chat GPT Prompt Outperforming Most University Brand Consultants...

Greetings Reader, Dropping in with a few high-impact insights from the academic fringe to help spark ideation... Critique Your University Website in 20 Seconds: Ever wondered how your website stands up against competitors? Use this ChatGPT prompt to find out fast: "You're a positioning expert in the vein of Al Ries & Jack Trout, tasked with critiquing college websites. Focus on their branding and positioning to help improve their market strategy, referencing ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of...

7 days ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader, I trust you’ve been finding pockets of brilliance in the everyday. I’ve been down the rabbit hole of data and emerging tools, surfacing now with some nuggets I hope you’ll find as fascinating as I do. A Little Secret I’ve Been Sitting On: There’s this tool I’ve been leveraging for a foundational campaign, and let me tell you, the results are real! In under a month, we improved open rates from 42%-69% and had a 4.6x spike in replies. (Yes, you read that right). My favorite...

27 days ago • 1 min read

Dear Reader, I hope this message finds you thriving. Apologies for the brief silence - I've been deep-diving in a few data projects, and am now surfacing with a few insights I thought you'd find valuable. Clay: Your Gateway to Customized Outreach Speaking of data, Clay is the best tool I’ve found, re: HIGHLY Customized Outreach. It allows users to scale highly personalized outbound campaigns - and fast. The tool combines 50+ data sources, web-scraping functionality, and AI integrations to...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, Hoping your week is unfolding into a story worth sharing! In the spirit of curiosity and forging ahead, I've stumbled upon a few gems at the fridges of the Higher Ed Landscape. Here's the lowdown: HR Without Borders: The evolution of work nudges HR from its traditional silos into the realm of boundaryless collaboration. This transformation isn't just about talent attraction but about weaving people expertise into the very fabric of our institutions, fostering a culture that’s...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, How's your week shaping up? I've rounded up some intriguing snippets/resources on the edge of Higher Ed innovation—just for you. Polymath Insights Samantha Postman, an authority on Polymaths, champions a liberal style education and the value of lifelong learning. Her insights are worth a watch. The Power of Positioning Dive into a fascinating discussion with author/consultant Sebastian Hildago on strategic positioning. In this clip, he explains how Lamborghini can charge nearly...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, How are things, really? I'd love to hear from you (seriously, hit reply!). Have you heard of the "Paradox of Choice"? It’s the notion that while a few options are good, too many leads too: Anxiety Decision paralysis Dissatisfaction with choices A grocery store study showed that customers bought more jam when offered 6 varieties rather than 24. An abundance of choices doesn't just make us indecisive - but unhappy. This paradox extends to careers too.... Excessive optionality...

3 months ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, Ever felt like you're in a never-ending loop of chasing goals? Let me share a snippet from my world: My recent focus: Snagging those elusive high-ticket consulting clients. For weeks, my cycle has been: Cold Outreach Sales Calls Proposals Post Thanksgiving, though, I found myself with throbbing abdominal pain... But let's pivot to you... What's causing your professional discomfort? In the consulting and creator realms, it's a labyrinth of decisions: Pinning down your offer....

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, Happy Thursday, F. Scott Fitzgerald once said: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” Smart, right? But even the brightest among us can find this challenging. Count me in that bunch (minus the brilliant piece). So, let’s dive into this a bit. I’m a big believer in not complaining. Complaining fuels negativity and chips away at our sense of control. Yet– the other...

5 months ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, I hope you're having a great week... Taylin's Big Idea The story behind how Taylin Simmonds positioned Digital Identity - earning 138k in 4 days. (Full episode here) Brushes with Fame The other day, I found myself working out next to Pauly Shore. For the youngsters among us, give him a quick “Goog.” He seemed so… ordinary. I asked him about his stand-up... We ended up talking Football. It felt like he wanted to be just another guy in the gym, rather than a celebrity. But...

7 months ago • 1 min read

Hi there Reader, I hope you're having a great week... How much fun are weddings? I had a funny thing happen to me two weeks ago… My amazing friend, Ryan, got married. His wedding was out of a storybook. Amazing food Beautiful weather Better looking couple Perfect Setting (Winery) Tears, tears, and celebration galore I’m having the time of my life on the dance floor when I see…. Someone dancing in a Panda Costume. Did someone spike my drink? 15 minutes go bye, and I’m still confused: WTF owns...

7 months ago • 1 min read
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