
Hi, I'm Mike!

With 17 years of insider experience, I specialize in enhancing university operations and strategic planning through innovative, data-driven solutions. Receive succinct, powerful insights on using analytics and artificial intelligence to streamline operations, increase ROI, and make informed strategic decisions. Ideal for C-suite aiming to do more with less and navigate the complexities of modern higher education.

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Hi there Reader, I hope everything is going as well as possible... Writing again with a few updates at the fringes of innovation and education. What Evolving Consumer Trends Mean for Education Middle-income consumers are feeling the squeeze of inflation but continue to splurge on discretionary items, defying traditional spending habits. Older consumers are now more likely to switch brands, while young consumers in emerging markets prefer premium products. Relevance for Higher Ed: Adapting...

Hi there Reader, Diving into this week’s insights tailored for forward-thinking leaders in higher education… Lydia Winn on Transforming Admissions Insights from Lydia Winn, Head of Sales GTM Strategy at Empowerly, shares insights on re-thinking admissions. She emphasizes understanding holistic student profiles and recommends institutions provide detailed examples to demystify the process. (Note: Empowerly’s team-based approach offers elite admission guidance at a fraction of the cost). Watch...

Hi there Reader, Diving into this week's insights tailored for forward-thinking leaders in higher education... Higher Education Innovation Newsletter Federal Innovation Push Brings ‘Moment of Change’ for Community Colleges The NSF’s CHIPS and Science Act investment is revolutionizing community colleges by funding regional innovation engines to support emerging tech and workforce training. Initiatives like the Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine exemplify how these investments create...

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Hi there Reader, I hope everything is going as well as possible... Writing again with a few updates at the fringes of innovation and education. HolonIQ’s 2024 Future of Higher Education & Workforce Summit This year's HolonIQ 2024 Summit highlights transformative trends in higher education. Topics include the rise of micro and alternative credentials, leveraging AI and VR for enhanced learning experiences, and innovative faculty engagement strategies. Learn how institutions are adopting these...

Guten Tag Reader, Diving into this week’s insights tailored for forward-thinking leaders in higher education... What New Grads Can Expect When They Enter the Workforce New grads are hanging up their caps, gowns, and stoles, and preparing to enter the world of work—yet it looks quite different than it did a few years ago. As AI and automation intensify shifts, some jobs will be lost, many others will be created, but almost all will change. 👉 Explore the insights Making Sense of IPEDS +...

Guten Tag Reader, Diving into this week's insights tailored for forward-thinking leaders in higher education... Conversation with Roger Parrott, President of Belhaven University I had the great pleasure of speaking with Roger Parrott, President of Belhaven University. We discussed everything from operational success on razor-thin margins too financial sustainability too why Leadership needs to evolve in the space. I was particularly impressed by how Roger leverages data and approaches...

Hi there Reader, Hope this finds you thriving and ready to tackle the big stuff. Here are a few quick reads and resources for forward-thinking leaders in higher education. Hunt Antelope, Not Field Mice Sparked by Newt Gingrich's insights on strategic focus, this article is powerful recalibration of prioritization. For us in academia: Are we chasing monumental goals that shift paradigms, or getting sidetracked by minutiae? This read is a great reminder for anyone aiming to lead with impact...

Hi there Reader, Diving into this week's insights from the fringes of the Academy... New Website Alert: I’ve revamped my branding to better highlight my edge in leveraging Data/AI to address institutional pain in higher education. While "Consultant" still doesn’t sit perfect, it’s growing on me (I think). Check out the fresh look and let me know your thoughts: Visit Now. Messaging Magic: In a time where so many institutions struggle to differentiate, I'm baffled by how antiquated...

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Greetings Reader, Dropping in with a few high-impact insights from the academic fringe to help spark ideation... Critique Your University Website in 20 Seconds: Ever wondered how your website stands up against competitors? Use this ChatGPT prompt to find out fast: "You're a positioning expert in the vein of Al Ries & Jack Trout, tasked with critiquing college websites. Focus on their branding and positioning to help improve their market strategy, referencing ‘The 22 Immutable Laws of...

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Hey there Reader, I trust you’ve been finding pockets of brilliance in the everyday. I’ve been down the rabbit hole of data and emerging tools, surfacing now with some nuggets I hope you’ll find as fascinating as I do. A Little Secret I’ve Been Sitting On: There’s this tool I’ve been leveraging for a foundational campaign, and let me tell you, the results are real! In under a month, we improved open rates from 42%-69% and had a 4.6x spike in replies. (Yes, you read that right). My favorite...